Nevertheless, the linkage does not work already. It seems that simple and smoothly, they have erased the news about his web. He not forgives not even rectification. Erasure. Fortunately, they are a little awkward, and they have left a few tracks of his miscue (still visible today at 12:22):
A. In the front searcher, if you introduce Obama they find, first of all, this result:
1. Obama: caught doing play back? Coincidence: 76.41 % - Dates: 3/5/2010
During a speech in the university of Michigan the president stops speaking, but his voice keeps on listening. - [to open in new window]
See other related news
The linkage, nevertheless, leads to the front
B. In Google I could have found a version for the edition of The World / Accessibly that they still have not erased. It is this:
Friends of Badly for believing fellow man trola, badly for not contrasting, badly for erasing the published instead of rectifying... and I do not know if badly (or) for not being able to erase it completely.
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