Friday, March 12, 2010

And the winner is...

Here there is finally the result of the election of the Malaprensa 2009. After gathering 150 votes, the winner, with 32 votes (21 %) it is this fantastic news about front of Abc:

Naturally, it is not an innocent error. But it is malaprensa because the center of the error is a gigantic mathematical silly thing: to confuse (or to claim) the average with a value that is applied to all the individuals of the group in which it is calculated. It is also a winning joust for going in front, to any page.
Since they will imagine already, the modest award Malaprensa has economic endowment, neither statuette, nor delivery ceremony. But it serves to us, first of all, to amuse ourselves; and secondly, to remind to the prizewinners the obligations of his profession.
The second position, with 24 votes (16 %), is for the news according to which 20.000 children prostituyen at present in Spain (, when rather we have information of which they can be less than 1.000 (minors). And the third one, with small difference, with 22 votes (15 %) (during a time it was winning) is for this entertaining blunder of The New Spain on having reported by the final of Open Usa (that as they know won Of The Colt):

The rest of the expressed votes performed this form:
  1. Two circular graphs on the unemployment that conceal his dimensions (, 14 votes, 9 %
  2. Madrid, very sure city, with 11 murders to the day (almost all the means), 13 votes, 9 %
  3. The prices of the hotels lower 94 % in New York (The World), 11 votes, 7 %
  4. The biggest increase of the participation in Gallicia that never existed (almost all the means), 10 votes, 7 %
  5. The climate change, the biggest humanitarian challenge of our time (
  6. Every minute 95 children die for malaria (, 5 votes, 3 %
  7. Every day 500 pages of infantile pornography are created in the network (as in 2004!!!) (, 4 votes, 3 %
  8. The pupils of THAT romp like madmen (, and others), 3 votes, 2 %
  9. 12.000 portable ones lost a week in airports of the United States (, 3 votes, 2 %
Gracias a todos los que votaron (y en particular a 3, Ale, Basseta, Bermartor, Bojanbojan, Borghia, brujo don carlos, Carlos, Carlos, CarlosMinneapolis, Cristóbal, Dani, Dani, Daniel Manzano, Daryl, David, ddaa, edipo_rey, elmundoalreves, ellgon, email Galicia, Emilio, gilman, Haakjvork, Ian Curtis, Javier, Jesús, Jesús, José Luis Calvo, Josu, Julio, lucagali, Luis, marcos, Max, Nacho Castejón, Numedides, pelikan, Protactínio, Redferne, Ricardo, rober, Roberto, Rubén A., Sancho, Santi, Shankio, Sísifo, t, Terry Pratchett, Topi, Vanderhof, Vicente S., y West).

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